Soundtrack Discovers: Hanna Star

The movie The Hunger Games is poised for a phenomenal opening weekend. The Soundtrack blog did a little digging today with regards to music beyond the Hunger Games movie soundtrack. We discovered a video for a song called ‘Deep in the Meadow’, which lead us to a website for Hanna Star. Hanna Star is a 13 year old girl from Memphis, Tennessee. The video above is an original song inspired by Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games. What struck us was how good this song is arranged, produced, and presented. The lyrics are Hunger Games centric, the music is pure bliss with hints of a Phil Spector produced song from the early 60’s. We also discovered if you head over to Hanna Star’s official website she’s giving away a free song download, not for ‘Deep in the Meadow’ we’re afraid, but another incredible new song titled ‘Life of a Hero’. It’s pretty amazing Hanna Star wrote a song, shot a video, and posted it on the Internet – at a mere 13 years old.